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Published November 30, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D4.2Full compilation of all capacity-building and Train-the-Trainers' materials (for all formats)

  • 1. YW
  • 2. K&I


During the implementation of the GE Academy project (January 2019-December 2021), GE Academy partners have designed, pilot-tested and implemented a broad set of session on gender in research and institutional change. The programme is addressing the broad spectrum of topics concerned and supporting the “mainstreaming” of gender expertise in different disciplinary areas and scientific fields, which implicitly spread gender perspectives and gender dimensions in various organisations. Avoiding a simplistic and binary vision of gender, the approach takes intersectionality into account, meaning the interlocking, complex system of inequalities and differences in which individuals are embedded.

The capacity building programme responds to the needs of those who are contributing to and can become involved in institutional change towards gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) as well as in Higher Education (HE), taking into account differences between target groups (in terms of professional profile/position, gender, socio-cultural background, discipline, etc.).

This deliverable, prepared in the framework of WP4 (Concepts and materials development and testing), fully documents all developed, reviewed and applied concepts for the different GE Academy formats (including all their accompanying materials) during the project duration, including the pilot sessions.


GEAcademy_D4.2_Full compilation of all capacity-building and Train-the-Trainers’ materials (for all formats).pdf

Additional details


GE Academy – Gender Equality Academy 824585
European Commission