Published June 3, 2022 | Version v1
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Diode Laser assisted excision of Gingival Fibroma: A Case Report

  • 1. Consultant Periodontist
  • 2. Professor
  • 3. PG Student


Fibroma is a common benign tumor. It can occur at any age from almost any soft tissue site; the tongue, gingiva, and buccal mucosa being the most common. Females are twice as likely to develop this benign tumour in compared to male. Typically the lesion is a rounded, well-demarcated, variably sized mass attached to tissue by a stalk. The surface is smooth, and the colour is slightly pale than the adjacent healthy tissue. It is usually characterized by a slow, painless growth accumulated over a period of months or years. Treatment usually requires total excision and recurrence is rare. This case report describes the use of diode laser on the excision of gingival fibroma. The excision of fibroma using the diode laser was a quick clinical procedure without bleeding. During the post-operative days, the patient reported no pain or discomfort. The wound healing of the soft tissue was satisfactory and no scarring could be seen in the region of the surgery. The excision of the fibroma with the diode laser is a safe, quick procedure, with minimum post-operative discomfort and complications.


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