Murina recondita Kuo Haochih et al. 2009
Hidden Tube-nosed Bat
Murina recondita
French: Murine terne / German: Versteckte Rohrennase / Spanish: Ratonero narizudo oculto
Other common names: Dun Tube-nosed Bat, Faint-colored Tube-nosed Bat
Taxonomy. Murina recondita Kuo Haochih et al, 2009,
“ Taiwan, Hualien County, Jhuosi Township, Rueisuei logging road, 1,300.m, 23°20'54.2"N, 121°16’ 42.8"E."
See M. eleryi. Monotypic.
Distribution. Taiwan I.
Descriptive notes. Forearm 28-31- 3 mm. Fur silky. Dorsal pelage is medium brown or yellowish brown (hairs with black bases, light gray fading to light yellowish brown toward tips, followed by black tips), with scattered bright yellow and shiny golden guard hairs (some had copper-tipped guard hairs); venteris grayish white (hairs with black bases and white tips on throat and chest and grayish tips on abdomen). Dorsal pelage extends sparsely onto wings, uropatagium, thumbs, and feet. Face is sparsely haired except for long protuberant naked nostrils. Ears are short, broad, and rounded, with smoothly convex anterior margins, small notch on posterior margins, and broadly rounded tips; tragus is long and narrow and tapers toward pointed tip. Wing attaches near base of claw on first toe. Skull has domed braincase; sagittal crest is absent, and lambdoidal crest is very weak; I* is anterior to I; C! is shorter and narrower than P?*; P? is less than one-half the basal area of P*; and M' and M? have well-developed mesostyles.
Habitat. Lowland and montane forests at elevations of 40-2200 m.
Food and Feeding. Hidden Tube-nosed Bats eat a variety of insects but prefer Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera. They forage primarily by aerial hawking but also glean prey off substrates.
Breeding. Pregnant Hidden Tube-nosed Bats are recorded from mid-April to mid-May and lactating females from mid-May to late July.
Activity patterns. No information.
Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.
Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. The Hidden Tube-nosed Bat does not seem to face any major threats.
Bibliography. Cheng Hsichi et al. (2017), Csorba et al. (2011), Kuo Haochih, Chen Shiangfan et al. (2014), Kuo Haochih, Fang Yinping et al. (2009), Lee Lingling & Kuo Haochih (2017c), Lu Yuchen (2013), Nguyen Truong Son et al. (2015), Soisook, Thaw Win-Naingng et al. (2017).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Vespertilionidae
- Genus
- Murina
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Chiroptera
- Phylum
- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Kuo Haochih et al.
- Species
- recondita
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Murina recondita et, 2009 sec. Wilson & Mittermeier, 2019