Murina jaintiana Ruedi, Biswas & Csorba 2012
Jaintia Tube-nosed Bat
Murina jaintiana
French: Murine des Jaintias / German: Jaintia-Rohrennase / Spanish: Ratonero narizudo de Jaintias
Taxonomy. Murina jaintiana Ruedi, Biswas & Csorba, 2012,
“ India, Meghalaya,Jaintia Hills, 2.3 km east ofthe village of Kseh, 720 m a.s.l; geographic coordinates: N 25°26’, E 92°36’.”
See M. tubinaris. Limited genetic data place this species close to M. pluvialis and M. feae. Previously included in M. tubinaris, but split on genetic and morphological grounds. Monotypic.
Distribution. NE India (Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya) and NW Myanmar (Chin Hills); exact extent of range is uncertain.
Descriptive notes. Head—-body 40 mm, tail 33 mm, ear 13- 9 mm, hindfoot 6-8 mm, forearm 29-1-31- 1 mm. Fur is long and silky; dorsally medium gray with brownish tinge (hairs dark gray for basal half with dirty white middle band and brownishgray tip, lacking shiny guard hairs); ventrally dirty whitish (hairs black on basal two-thirds and pure white toward tip). Dorsal pelage extends sparsely onto wings, uropatagium, thumbs, and feet. Face is sparsely haired except long protuberant nostrils, which are naked. Ears are short, broad, and evenly rounded with smoothly convex anterior margins, lacking notch on posterior margin, with broadly rounded tip; tragus is long, narrow, and tapering toward pointed tip. Wing attaches to base of claw on first toe. Skull is small with domed braincase and non-inflated rostrum; sagittal crest is lacking and lambdoidal crests are moderately developed. Basal area of C' is less than that of P* but exceedsit in height; P* barely reaches two-thirds the height of P*; mesostyles of M' and M? are rudimentary or missing; talonid of M, and M,is equal to their respective trigonid.
Habitat. Collected in heavily disturbed secondary forest. The holotype was taken in a bamboo grove growing along a tributary. Recorded at elevations of 1000-1500 m.
Food and Feeding. No information.
Breeding. No information.
Activity patterns. No information.
Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.
Status and Conservation. Classified as Data Deficient on The IUCN Red List. Only three individuals from two localities have been unambiguously attributed to this species.
Bibliography. Ruedi & Csorba (2017a), Ruedi, Biswas & Csorba (2012), Soisook (2013), Zeng Xiang et al. (2018).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Vespertilionidae
- Genus
- Murina
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Chiroptera
- Phylum
- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Ruedi, Biswas & Csorba
- Species
- jaintiana
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Murina jaintiana Ruedi, 2012 sec. Wilson & Mittermeier, 2019