Published October 31, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Nyctophilus heran Kitchener, How & Maharadatunkamsi 1991



Sunda Long-eared Bat

Nyctophilus heran

French: Nyctophile de la Sonde / German: Sunda-Langohrfledermaus / Spanish: Nictofila de Sonda

Other common names: Sundan Long-eared Bat

Taxonomy. Nyctophilus heran Kitchener, How & Maharadatunkamsi, 1991,

“Kampong Merdeka, Desa Hadakewa, Pulau Lembata, Nusa Tenggara [= Lesser Sunda Islands], Indonesia (08°22'S, 123°31'E) ... at sea level.”

Placement of Nyctophilus heran in a species group is uncertain. It is most similar to N. geoffroyi and is tentatively included in the geoffroyi species group. There were apparently recently obtained specimens of Nyctophilus on Timor that apparently resembled N. heran, but a comparison of these samples to other Nyctophilus has not yet been undertaken, and the name timoriensis will continue to go unused for now. Monotypic.

Distribution. Known only from type locality on Lembata I, Lesser Sunda Is.

Descriptive notes. Head-body 51-5 mm, tail 40-7 mm, ear 23-4 mm, hindfoot 6-4 mm, forearm 39-3 mm; weight 7-6 g (type specimen). The Sunda Long-eared Bat has very large ears and unique simple noseleaf consisting of two ridges, one further on muzzle and another immediately above nostrils, with vertical groove in middle and furred trough between them. Dorsal pelage is light drab brown; venter is paler. Face, ears, and wing membranes are light buff. Rostrum is short and blunt, with ridge across muzzle over nostrils that is well developed and high, with paired mounds joined medially by a conspicuous membrane that expands distally to form a Y-shaped groove. Ears are very large and broad, with bluntly roundedtip, horizontal ribbing on inner surfaces, inward curved anterior edges, and smooth posterior edges (ears can fold back at top ofthick part of anterior edge); large and furred interauricular band crosses forehead between ears; tragus is moderately long and bluntly rounded at tip, being practically straight on anterior margin. Glans penisis slender and lacks very prominent distal lobe; urethral lobe is ventrally U-shaped;it differs from the Lesser Long-eared Bat (N. geoffroyi) in lacking pronounced dorsal crest and distal lobe that overshoots ventral mound. Baculum has moderately thin shaft in dorsal view, tapering to non-bifurcated tip, base being strongly bifurcated; in lateral view, baculum is curved downward at base, but shaftis straight to pointed tip. Skull is generally similar to the Lesser Long-eared Bat,sagittal crest is weak, rostrum is slightly more depressed and median sulcusis slightly deeper than in the Lesser Long-eared Bat, tympanic bullae are relatively inflated, and M” and M, are moderately reduced.

Habitat. Type specimen was collected over a small stagnant poolin a small dry stream 200 m from mangrovesat sea level. Native gardens and occasionally banana and coconut trees bordered the stream.

Food and Feeding. No information.

Breeding. No information.

Activity patterns. No information.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. The Sunda Long-eared Bat apparently forms small colonies.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Data Deficient on The IUCN Red List. The Sunda Long-eared Bat is currently known only from the type locality on Lembata Island. It is likely threatened given its apparent rarity and restricted distribution.

Bibliography. Corbet & Hill (1992), Hutson, Kingston et al. (2016), Kitchener et al. (1991), Parnaby (2002a, 2009).


Published as part of Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Vespertilionidae, pp. 716-981 in Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona :Lynx Edicions on page 807, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6397752


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