Myotis annamiticus Kruskop & Tsytsulina 2001
Annamit Myotis
Myotis annamiticus
French: Murin de Yen Hop / German: Annam-Langful 3fledermaus / Spanish: Ratonero de Yen Hop
Other common names: Annamite Water Bat
Taxonomy. Myotis annamiticus Kruskop & Tsytsulina, 2001,
“Yen Hop valley, near Yen Hop, ca. 35 km S Minh Hoa (Qui Dat), Minh Hoa district, Qaun Binh prov., Vietnam.”
Subgenus Myotis; siligorensis species group. Myotis annamiticus appears to be embedded within M. laniger and the siligorensis species group, making M. laniger paraphyletic. Monotypic.
Distribution. Known with certainly from type locality in C Vietnam and one locality in C Laos (Khammouan Limestone National Biodiversity Conservation Area); it might also be present in S China, butthis has yet to be confirmed.
Descriptive notes. Head-body 359-395 mm, tail 32: 3-36 mm, ear 12- 1-15 mm, hindfoot 7-8- 2 mm, forearm 30-6-34- 5 mm; weight 3-3—4- 5 g. The Annamit Myotis has brown dorsum and grayish brown venter, both with hairs having dark bases. Ears are long and narrow, with rounded tips; tragus is long and slender, with blunt tip and basal lobe on posterior margin. Wings attach 1-2 mm below bases oftoes, and feet are enlarged. Skull has domed braincase and steep forehead; rostrum is low; canines are short, with C! being height of or slightly taller than P* and C, being shorter than or equal to P; and P° and P, are small and within respective tooth rOWS.
Habitat. London evergreen forests (Laos) and disturbed and undisturbed forests in small river valleys (Vietnam).
Food and Feeding. Annamit Myotis foraged for insects over water sources.
Breeding. Lactating Annamit Myotis are known from late May and earlyJune in Laos.
Activity patterns. No information.
Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.
Status and Conservation. Classified as Data Deficient on The IUCN Red List. The Annamit Myotis is currently only known with certainty from two localities, although its distribution is probably wider. Virtually nothing is known about its ecology and threats.
Bibliography. Borisenko & Kruskop (2003), Douangboubpha, Xayaphet et al. (2014), Francis et al. (2010), Kruskop (2016a), Kruskop & Tsytsulina (2001), Kruskop, Borisenko et al. (2018), Ruedi, Csorba et al. (2015), Ruedi, Stadelmann et al. (2013).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Vespertilionidae
- Genus
- Myotis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Chiroptera
- Phylum
- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Kruskop & Tsytsulina
- Species
- annamiticus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Myotis annamiticus Kruskop, 2001 sec. Wilson & Mittermeier, 2019