Published October 21, 2012 | Version v1
Conference paper Restricted

Understanding Virtualized Infrustructure in Grid job Monioring


This paper is the first report on a new direction in the development of the Logging and Bookkeeping service, a gLite component tracking grid job life cycle. From the early days, Logging and Bookkeeping tracks not only jobs themselves but also the wider details of the job execution environment. Since a great portion of the infrastructure is now virtualized, the work at hand concerns tracking the virtualized nature of that runtime environment. With virtualization and cloud technologies being highly flexible and dynamic, we believe it is very important to gather and keep status information for machines used to run the workload. A newly created monitoring entity (a machine) will be integrated with job state information and provide an enhanced view of the current state and history of both the job and the infrastructure. This paper focuses on motivation, requirements coming from the Czech National Grid Initiative and possible consequences rather than the actual implementation. As a report on ``work in progress'' it describes an idea that is now being further elaborated and implemented to provide a solution for monitoring virtualized resources in the same context as the workload they are processing.



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EMI – European Middleware Initiative 261611
European Commission