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Published August 31, 2014 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D8.4.2: Final Refactoring Report

  • 1. CSCS


This document presents the main achievements of the extension of Work Package 8 ‘Community Code Scaling’, which focuses on the re-design and refactoring of a number of codes for scientific numerical applications, in order to effectively run on coming generations of supercomputing architectures, optimally exploiting their innovative features. The extension was conceived in order to further enhance the results exploiting the developed competencies, skills and synergies. A subset of codes originally in WP8 underwent further refactoring. For each code, the results are summarised (the details are given in the corresponding papers, official documentation and related web sites, in particular the WP8 wiki pages: The main outcomes of the overall WP8 work are discussed and best practices for the development of scientific numerical applications on HPC systems are presented.



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PRACE-2IP – PRACE - Second Implementation Phase Project 283493
European Commission