Published April 25, 2022 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Pharmaceutical advertising and the consumption of over the counter (OTC) medicines in users of the Superfar drugstore in Barrios Altos - Cercado de Lima, 2022.

  • 1. Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima-Perú, Cercado de Lima 15046
  • 2. Universidad Autónoma del Peru
  • 3. Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima-Perú
  • 4. Universidad Cesar Vallejo, km 8.2, Carretera Central, Ate - Perú
  • 5. Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Av. República de Chile Nro. 432 Urb. Santa Beatriz Lima - Lima - Jesús María, 15072
  • 6. Universidad Privada del Norte, Av. El Ejercito 920 – Urb. El Molino, Trujillo – Perú 13001


To determine the relationship between pharmaceutical advertising and the consumption of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines in users of the SUPERFAR drugstore in barrios altos -cercado de lima, 2022.


SPSS data base CSV pharmaceutical advertising and OTC.csv

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