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Published April 29, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Influence of Translation Method on Language Skills


Context: It should be noted that one of the most important functions of using the native language in foreign language lessons is translation from the native language into a foreign language and vice versa. Goal: This study is aimed at studying the positive and negative aspects of using the translation method in foreign language lessons. Design: The study also used an online survey and statistical research. Moreover, it discusses the role and history of translation in teaching a foreign language, the object of research is the process of teaching foreign languages. The subject of the study is the place, functions, advantages and disadvantages of translation and its systemic representation in mastering a foreign language. Environment and participants: To achieve this goal, the following main tasks are solved in the study:

1. Conducting a survey on "Technical universities and philological universities in the use of translation exercises" among teachers of foreign languages

2. Conducting a study among students of a technical specialized university based on the results of a survey



Yulduz Kh. Rakhmonova 1, Guncha Kh. Mamazhanova 2, Saida T. Shakirova 3, Shakhnoza S. Shadieva 4, Zebo Yu. Abdurakhmonova 5(Acta).pdf

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