Development of intelligent and expert system for automation of processes of mining and transport works on the basis of satellite navigation
- 1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 2. Institute of Mechanics and Engineering named after U. A. Joldasbekov
- 3. Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 4. Alfa Bank
- 5. Rochester Institute of Technology
The object of research relates to the field of control systems for mining and transport machines in the development of deposits of solid minerals in an open way. The problem of reducing the cost of transporting 1 ton of rock mass and increasing the efficiency of these machines is being solved. The article develops an expert system for dispatching mining vehicles with a subsystem for selecting their innovative appearance with the ability to control their operational parameters, taking into account the stochastic conditions of the developed sections of the rock mass. The mathematical model for constructing the prospective appearance of a mining and transport machine, based on its functional and economic assessment, is reduced to solving the problem of optimizing the generalized criterion of the required efficiency. As an example of private indicators of their effectiveness in operation, there is an expert analysis of the evaluation of solution options, for example, structural-kinematic and operational parameters of these machines, etc. Innovative designs of a skip body of any size of its carrying capacity of single-rope and multi-rope steeply inclined skip hoists for highly profitable mining in quarries are substantiated. unlimited values of their depth and annual productivity. In the proposed study, the values of the forces of resistance to the destruction of a section of a rock mass, obtained by analytical and experimental methods, are refined by finding the optimal Kalman coefficient, which increases the efficiency of using mining and transport machines. The proposed methods provide the creation of innovative mining and transport machines with the ability to control their operational parameters, taking into account the stochastic conditions of the developed section of the rock mass
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