Published December 1, 2021 | Version v1
Working paper Open

The IT Industry in Telangana: A Literature Review


The IT industry has been one of the highlights of the economic growth in India in recent decades, and Telangana's contribution to it has been a major one. The overall economy of Telangana has seen a significant shift in the trends of industrial and economic development due to a variety of economic, socio-political, and historical events. The present study tries to examine the changing economy and the trajectory of the IT industry in India, with a focus on Telangana from 1920 to 2020. The IT Industry has become a multi-billion market over the past six decades. The review also focuses on the growth of the IT Industry in Telangana from being the home to India returned engineers' startups to a global IT hub. The study also illustrates how the evolution of the IT sector in Telangana impacted other sectors such as infrastructure and education.

The academic research in this milieu provides an extensive array of viewpoints and multiple facets. (Narayan, 1950) explores the economic conditions of the Hyderabad state, focusing on population trends, natural resources, and agrarian reforms, which serves as a compendium for further research and understanding the early history of the provincial state. (Shah, 1974) examines India's industrial revolution to reveal a detailed narrative of the composition and state of the industries pre-and post-independence, focusing on industrial development and policy resolutions. (Barnes, 2013) examines the reason for the state's industrial and fiscal support to the IT industry irrespective of its limited impact on economic development, as argued by many scholars. (Hauge & Chang, 2019) assessed the role of manufacturing versus services in economic development which is a well-discussed phenomenon, and it serves as a link in connecting certain aspects of this study. (Ghani & Kharas, 2010) suggested that subsequent growth labelled as service revolution, including rapid income growth, job creation, and poverty reduction led by services, was possible in India and other South-Asian countries. (Menon, 2018) critically observes how statistician P. C. Mahalanobis and Indian Statistical Institute strived to haul India into the computer age by significantly influencing India's Second Five-Year Plan (1956-1961).

An intriguing narrative that has been curated from all these areas of study maps out the nature, state, trends, and demographics of the Indian IT industry, especially Telangana. It also tells us about the existing challenges and opportunities, which are unique and give certain aspects to gauge.


The IT Industry in Telangana_A Literature Review.pdf

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