Published May 5, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ebenacobius hessei Haran & Benoit & Procheş & Kergoat 2022, gen. et sp. nov.

  • 1. CBGP, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro, INRAe, IRD, Montpellier University, Montpellier, France.
  • 2. Centre for Functional Biodiversity and Discipline of Geography, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
  • 3. CBGP, INRAE, CIRAD, IRD, Institut Agro, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier, France.


Ebenacobius hessei Haran gen. et sp. nov. 35D58461-0DA6-4FFF-8167-0232D817604F

Figs 3B, 5A, 6K

Differential diagnosis

This species can be distinguished by the 3 longitudinal dark strips on the prothorax (Fig. 3B).


This species is dedicated to Albert J. Hesse for his early contribution to the knowledge of southern African Derelomini.

Type material

Holotype REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA • ♂; “Rep. of South Africa [REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA]. Byra river mouth; 14.vii.2019 ” -33.379 27.316; Euclea sp; JHAR02381_0101 ” “Holotype; Ebenacobius hessei; Haran 2022”; SAMC.

Paratypes REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA – Eastern Cape Province • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; TMSA • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; SAMC • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; MNHN • 10 specs (preserved in ethanol); same collection data as for holotype; CBGP. – Gauteng Province • 1 ♀; Pretoria; 25°45′ S, 28°12′ E, 20 Oct. 1982; R. Oberprieler leg.; SANC. – KwaZulu-Natal Province • 4 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀, 5 specs (preserved in ethanol); Durban, Palmiet Nature Reserve, Faurea Place; Jul. 2013; Ş. Procheş leg.; on and from flowers of Euclea natalensis (Ebenaceae); no. 3447-8, JHAR03348; CBGP. – Western Cape Province • 1 ♀; Stellenbosch; 33°57′00.0″ S, 18°50′24.0″ E; Ş. Procheş leg.; on Diospyros lycoides (Ebenaceae); CBGP.



BODY LENGTH. 2.2–2.6 mm.

COLOUR. Body integument pale brown, prothorax slightly darker than elytra, head reddish-brown; prothorax with 3 longitudinal and parallel dark bands, one on the medial line and 2 laterally; dark pattern on elytra forming an oblique strip from base of interstria 5 basal ⅓ of elytra (sometimes only visible on interstriae 1, 3 and 5) and a transverse band slightly beyond middle of elytra, more or less continuous, sometimes only visible on interstriae 3 and 5; dorsum (prothorax + elytra) with minute recumbent setae, not contiguous.

HEAD. Rostrum as long as prothorax in lateral view, regularly downcurved; underside with a row of setae, shorter than 2 nd segment of funicle, integument forming a small tubercle before apex; in dorsal view covered with recumbent non-contiguous setae; antennae inserted near apical 1/4 of length; head capsule coarsely punctate in dorsal view, with recumbent whitish setae, shorter or as wide as diameter of punctures; eyes convex, exceeding the lateral curve of head capsule in dorsal view; antennal funicle with first segment 1.5 × longer than wide, as long as 2–4, 3–7 wider than long.

PROTHORAX. Wider than long (W:L ratio: 1.38), widest near base, slightly narrower there than elytra at humeral angles; sides with a basal constriction forming an angle near basal 1/8, subparallel between basal 1/8 and middle of length, convex in apical ½, apical constriction as long as width of funicle at apex; integument densely punctate, rugose, space between punctures smooth, shiny, raised, mostly as wide as diameter of punctures; setae as long as diameter of punctures in the central area; prosternal process short, sides converging apicad in dorsal view, truncate at apex.

ELYTRA. Sides slightly convex, widest near middle of length (W:L ratio: 0.73); humeri raised; apex jointly rounded; striae with punctures well aligned, 1.5–2 × narrower than interstriae; interstriae slightly convex, 1, 3 and 5 slightly more convex apically, 9 entirely convex; scutellar shield rounded, glabrous.

ABDOMEN. Underside covered with subcontiguous whitish setae.

LEGS. Profemora moderately thickened near middle of length, almost forming an internal angle beyond middle of length; protibiae with external margin straight, meso- and metatibiae slightly curved outward in apical half; protibiae armed with a small apical mucro; meso- and metatibiae with mucro indistinct; claws simple.

TERMINALIA. Body of penis elongate (W:L ratio: 0.33), 0.7 × as long as apodemes; sides convex in basal half in dorsal view, widest near basal 1/4, subparallel in apical half, narrowing in apical 1/5, apex truncate; in lateral view curvature stronger in basal half, width expanding from base to apical ⅓, then narrowing apicad (Fig. 6K).

Sexual dimorphism

Females can be distinguished from males by their rostrum which is slightly slender and less downcurved in lateral view. Females lack a prosternal process.

Life history

Ebenacobius hessei gen. et sp. nov. develops in male flowers of Euclea natalensis, in the Durban area (data JHAR03348). Adults gather on inflorescences in large numbers during the day. They copulate and feed on the flowers, leaving many feeding marks on the petals and buds. Oviposition was observed in Durban in July and August. Eggs are deposited in the flower buds, through the petals, on the immature anthers of male flowers. The larvae are ectophagous, they develop at the base of anthers during flowering. One or two larvae may be found per flower. No pupa was observed in the dissected flowers (n = 50), suggesting that larval-pupal transformation takes place in the ground. This species was also collected in sympatry with Derelomus pallidus in the Eastern Cape Province on an unidentified Euclea species (data JHAR02381). Adults were collected by beating Euclea bushes in July and October.


Republic of South Africa (Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal and Western Cape Provinces).


Published as part of Haran, Julien, Benoit, Laure, Procheş, Şerban & Kergoat, Gael J., 2022, Ebenacobius Haran, a new southern African genus of flower weevils (Coleoptera: Curculioninae: Derelomini) associated with dicotyledonous plants, pp. 1-54 in European Journal of Taxonomy 818 (1) on pages 36-38, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.818.1771,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1982-10-20 , 2019-07-14
Material sample ID
JHAR02381_0101 , JHAR03348
Scientific name authorship
Haran & Benoit & Procheş & Kergoat
Taxonomic status
gen. et sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1982-10-20 , 2019-07-14
Taxonomic concept label
Ebenacobius hessei Haran, 2022