Published October 17, 2022
| Version 1
Spectral Libraries for Metabolome Annotation Workflow (MAW)
MassBank saved at 2022-09-12 10:28:52 with release version 2022.06 as mbankNIST.rda (MsBackendMsp)
GNPS saved at 2022-09-12 13:37:42 as gnps.rda (MsBackendMsp)
HMDB saved with the release version 4 as hmdb.rda (MsBackendHmdb)
All .rda files can be reloaded into R session using the respective Backends. These databases were created for MAW version 1.
hmdb_dframe_str.csv is downloaded from HMDB Downloads for structural information on HMDB IDs present in the HMDB version 4 spectral data.