There is a newer version of the record available.

Published May 8, 2022 | Version 0.18.0
Software Open

clEsperanto/napari_pyclesperanto_assistant: 0.18.0

  • 1. Physics of Life, TU Dresden
  • 2. Harvard University
  • 3. @chanzuckerberg
  • 4. DFG cluster of excellence, Physics of Life, TU Dresden
  • 5. Iber Lab - ETH Zürich


Documentation updates

  • Installation instructions for Mac and Linux were missing an important section (thanks to @marabuuu for reporting the issue)

Backwards compatibility breaking changes

  • The API of statistics_of_labeled_pixels was modified:
    • The position of the napari_viewer argument was changed. It is recommended to use it as keyword-argument.
    • The function now returns Pandas DataFrames instead of a dictionary.
  • The API of advanced_statistics was modified:
    • The function now returns Pandas DataFrames instead of a dictionary.



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