Published November 30, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

One Health EJP Report of the Dissemination Workshop on Metagenomics

  • 1. BfR
  • 2. SSI
  • 3. University of Surrey


Type: Dissemination Workshop Report

Summary: Metagenomic techniques allow the identification of the whole microbial community from a sample – being it human, animal, food or environmental – rather than detecting only pre-selected microbes, as it is the case with many traditional methods. During this workshop, researchers of the One Health EJP discussed how their novel tools were practically used in the field, what benefit they bring, and what is their impact.

Release date: November 2021


OHEJP Disseminations Workshop Series_1 Metagenomics.pdf

Files (729.2 kB)

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One Health EJP – Promoting One Health in Europe through joint actions on foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging microbiological hazards. 773830
European Commission