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Published May 4, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Multimodal Fine-grained Human Activity Dataset

  • 1. University of California, Merced


This dataset contains fine-grained human daily activity data collected by infrastructure vibration sensors and one on-wrist IMU sensor. This dataset is collected from six persons from two domestic homes, in total, there are 12 sub-datasets.

Each dataset has 11 columns, 1o of them stands for sensors' reading.

* Due to the uploading platform, please ignore all files in the folder '__MACOSX', and files whose names start with '._'. These are computer system files, not parts of the shared dataset. 

** For usage and questions, please contact zhu42 [AT] ucmerced [DOT] edu

*** If you are going to use this dataset for any publications, we will appreciate you to cite this dataset properly.


For more information, please refer to this paper:

  title: VMA: Domain Variance- and Modality-Aware Model Transfer for Fine-Grained Occupant Activity Recognition,


The following content is copied from README.txt:


Keyboard typing 1
Using mouse 2
Handwriting 3
Cutting vegetables 4
Stir-frying vegetables 5
Wiping the table 6
Sweeping floor 7
Using vacuum to vacuum floor: 8
Open and close drawer: 9

None Activity: 10

11 Columns:
1: Activity label
2: Vibration sensor put on the Living Area floor
3: Vibration sensor put on the Living Area table
4: Vibration sensor put on the Studying Area floor
5: Vibration sensor put on the Studying Area desk
6, 7, 8: Accelerometer X,Y,Z
9, 10, 11: Gyroscope X,Y,Z

All signals are zero-meaned.
The vibration sensors' sampling rate is roughly around 6500Hz, and the IMU sensors' original sampling rate is roughly around 235Hz.



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