Published May 3, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

On the Level Crossing Rate of Fluid Antenna Systems

  • 1. IRIDA, ECE, UCY


Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology has significantly impacted wireless communication, by providing extraordinary performance gains. However, a minimum inter-antenna space constraint in MIMO systems does not allow its integration in devices with limited space. In this context, the concept of fluid antenna systems (FASs) appears to be a potent solution, where there is no such restriction. In this paper, we investigate the average level crossing rate (LCR) of such FASs. Specifically, we derive closed-form analytical expressions of the LCR of such systems and extensive Monte-Carlo simulations validate the proposed  analytical framework. Moreover, we also demonstrate that under certain conditions, the LCR obtained coincides with that of a conventional selection combining-based receiver. Finally, the numerical results also provide insights regarding the selection of appropriate parameters that enhance the system performance.


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European Commission
APOLLO – Advanced Signal Processing Technologies for Wireless Powered Communications 819819