Published April 20, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

OntoCommons D4.3 - Report on Landscape Analysis of Ontology Engineering Tools


This report provides a landscape analysis of software systems for ontology engineering. We collect software systems that are said to be used in practice and compile them in an index providing information about their homepage, documentation, and other publicly available materials. Furthermore, we classify collected software systems according to high-level categories that have been proposed in the report on “Ontology Ecosystem Specification”. This categorisation can be used as a first guide by practitioners to search and select software systems for ontology engineering tasks that are most suitable for their needs. Lastly, we conduct a desk review analysis of the collected software systems considering novel challenges arising from application domains as put forward by the report on “Requirements on ontology tools and ontologies and criteria for selection of further cases”. We find that some areas in ontology engineering seem to be lacking in terms of tool support, e.g., modularisation, conceptual modelling, and ontology reuse. However, our results also suggest that for many challenges arising in practice there is often some kind of tool support that may prove to be useful for addressing said challenges.


OntoCommons D4.3 - Report on Landscape Analysis of Ontology Engineering Tools.pdf