Published April 4, 2022 | Version v1
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SPA OPS 3.0 Toolkit to foster Open Access Agreements for Smaller Independent Publishers

  • 1. Information Power


Smaller independent publishers, libraries, and consortia can more easily enter into Open Access agreements thanks to a set of new tools published by cOAlition S and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP). The partnership has resulted in shared principles, a data template, and example licenses and also a workflow guide.

The toolkit addresses the need for automation with the following materials:

  • A report with more context, and a list of the many librarians and publishers who have contributed to development of the toolkit.
  • Shared principles for developing an OA agreement: a starting point for negotiations between a publisher and a library consortium
  • A data template : to help publishers collect the information needed to inform negotiations
  • Six example licences ready to be used and adapted as necessary
    • SERU-style agreement
    • Crowdfunder participation agreement
    • A read and publish style agreement
    • A read and publish addendum to an existing agreement
    • A subscribe to open style agreement
    • A subscribe to open addendum to an existing agreement
  • A detailed workflow : which provides an overview of the entire process, from contract negotiation to achieving compliance with funder policies and reporting to libraries.

The toolkit was developed by Information Power, working together with librarians, publishers and library consortia in the framework of the third phase of the Society Publishers Accelerating Open Access (SPA OPS 3.0) project, commissioned by cOAlition S and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP).


1. Enabling Small_publishers_main report.pdf

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