Deliverable D4.3 - e-SAFE DSS: first complete version (accompanying report)
- 1. Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A
This report is the accompanying document of D4.3, i.e. the e-SAFE Decision Support System (DSS) first complete version that will be used during the co-design stage of the real pilot in Catania. Please refer to D4.2 to know more about the algorithms used in teh e-DSS.
The software code is stored in the ENG Gitlab repository at This is a repository hosted by ENG in order to manage and optimize the software delivery lifecycle, including all the development activities that are under ENG responsibility. The Gitlab project that was created for e-SAFE is compliant to a specific access policy aimed to prevent unauthorised users from gaining access to the software code; indeed, only ENG employees working on e-SAFE project have access to the e-SAFE project on Gitlab and this is compliant to the ENG policy.
e-SAFE_D4.3_DSS First complete version_V1.0.pdf
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