Published April 20, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Diospyros susarticulata Lecomte, Thorel 2055

  • 1. School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, RG 6 6 AS (United Kingdom) and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW 9 3 AE (United Kingdom)
  • 2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW 9 3 AE (United Kingdom)
  • 3. School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, RG 6 6 AS (United Kingdom)


Diospyros susarticulata Lecomte

Notulae Systematicae 4 (4): 120 (Lecomte 1928a).

TYPES. — Me-Kong. Oudan [= Laos. <Oudan>], 1866-1868, Thorel 2055 (lecto-, P, first-step designated by Nguyen [1996: 73]; P [P00721745], Fig. 4, second-step designated here; isolecto-, NY [NY00334761]!; P [P00721744, P00721746]!; VNM [VNM00015398]!).


Lecomte (1928a: 120) cited Thorel 2055 from “Oudan sur le Mékong” as the original gathering.Later, in the General Flora of Indochina, Lecomte (1930: 961) placed Oudan in Laos. Thorel 2055 has been located at NY, P and VNM.Here, we designate the specimen P00721745 as the lectotype because it is more complete.


Published as part of Meeprom, Nattanon, Utteridge, Timothy, Culham, Alastair & Puglisi, Carmen, 2022, Lectotypification of Indochinese Ebenaceae published by P. H. Lecomte (1925 - 1930), pp. 1925-1930 in Adansonia (3) (3) 44 (12) on pages 127-128, DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2022v44a12,


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  • LECOMTE H. 1928 a. - Ebenacees nouvelles de l'Indochine. Notulae Systematicae 4 (4): 99 - 121. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 6463259
  • NGUYEN T. H. 1996. - Fam. Ebenaceae Gurke, in AVERYANOV L. V., NGUYEN T. B., NGUYEN T. H., PHAN K. L., SEROV V. P. & AKIMOVA G. A. (eds), Vascular Plants Synopsis of Vietnamese Flora. Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia and National Center for Natural Sciences and Technology of Vietnam: 63 - 74.
  • LECOMTE H. 1930. - Ebenacees, in LECOMTE H. & HUMBERT H. (eds), Flore generale de l'Indo-Chine. Vol. 3. Masson & Co., Paris: 915 - 978. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 27563332