Published December 7, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pterocommatinae Wilson 1910



* Plocamaphis flocculosa goernitzi Börner, 1940

Material. 35SMon: Salix borealis Fries,, apt. (VZ).

Pterocomma konoi Hori in Takahashi, 1939.

Material. Khi: Salix sp., 25.vii.1931, apt. (AM).

Pterocomma pilosum Buckton, 1879

Published information. LRCh: Salix sp. (Stekolshchikov, 2012).

Material. LRCh: Salix sp., 3.vii.2004, fund. (AS).

Pterocomma populeum (Kaltenbach, 1843)

Published information. MP: Populus balsamifera L., P. suaveolens Fisch., Salix sp. (Novitskaya, 1962; Vershinina, 1981).

Material. Kan: Populus nigra, 1.viii.2002, al. (AS).

Pterocomma rufipes (Hartig, 1841)

Published information. Khi: without host plant (Shaposhnikov, 1964, as Pterocomma ringdahli Wahlgren). PABG: Salix lanata L., S. phylicifolia (Buga, 1999, as Pterocomma ringdahli). LRP and LRCh: Salix caprea and Salix sp. (Stekolshchikov, 2012).

Material. Khi: Salix sp., 1.viii.1949, apt. (MZ). PABG: Salix lanata, 17.vii.1962, apt., al. and al. nym. [18.vii.1962, al.]; Salix lapponum L., 18.vii.1962, apt.; Salix caprea, 20.vii.1962, apt. and al. (GSh). Koa: Salix sp., 6.vii.1998, apt. (SB). 20SMon: Salix caprea, 5.vii.1998, apt.; Salix myrtilloides L., 9.vii.1998, apt. (SB). 1NMon: Salix myrsinifolia borealis, 9.vii.1998, apt. (SB). 9SMon: sweeping, 9.vii.1998, fund. and apt. (SB). 20SMon: Salix lapponum, 14.vii.1998, apt. (SB). 7SMon: Salix caprea, 14.vii.1998, apt. (SB). NVou: Salix phylicifolia, 16.vii.1998, apt. (SB). PABG: Salix lanata, 17.vii.1998, al. (SB). LRCh: Salix caprea, 2.vii.2004, al. (AS). LRP: Salix sp., 4.vii.2005, apt. and al.; Salix caprea, 5.vii.2005, apt. (AS).

Pterocomma salicis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Published information. Kir: Salix phylicifolia (Fridolin, 1936, as Melanoxantherium salicis). LRCh: Salix caprea (Stekolshchikov, 2012).

Material. nMur: 14.viii.1923, apt. (VF). BAI: Salix glauca L., 4.viii.1964, apt. (VN). 8EMon: Salix myrsinifolia borealis, 5.vii.1998, apt. (SB). 3NMon: Salix myrsinifolia borealis, 5.vii.1998, apt. (SB). 15NMon: Salix caprea, 14.vii.1998, al. and apt. (SB). Luv: Salix sp., 21.vii.2002, apt. (AS). LRCh: Salix caprea, 6.vii.2004, apt. (AS). 11NMon: Salix borealis,, apt. (VZ).

Pterocomma tremulae Börner, 1940

Material. 12EMon: Populus tremula, 5.vii.1998, apt. (SB).


Published as part of Stekolshchikov, Andrey V. & Buga, Sergey V., 2018, The aphid fauna (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aphidomorpha) of Murmansk province (Russia), with description of Aphis khrulevi sp. nov. and Dysaphis karyakini sp. nov. and males of Chaitophorus nigricantis Pintera, 1987, pp. 451-493 in Zootaxa 4527 (4) on pages 464-465, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4527.4.1,


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  • Novitskaya, L. A. (1962) Overview of pests of woody plants in Murmansk province. In: Avrorin, N. A. (Ed.), Ornamental plants and landscape gardening in extreme North. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow & Leningrad, pp. 182 - 186. [in Russian]
  • Vershinina, N. P. (1981) Pests of ornamental plants in Murmansk province. In: Andreev, G. N. (Ed.), Development of botanical research in Kola North. Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute, Apatity, pp. 138 - 147. [in Russian]
  • Shaposhnikov, G. Ch. (1964) Suborder Aphidinea-aphids. In: Bei-Bienko, G. Ya. (Ed.), Keys to the insects of the European USSR. Fol. 1. Apterygota, Palaeoptera, Hemimetabola. Nauka, Moscow & Leningrad, pp. 489 - 616. [in Russian]
  • Buga, S. V. (1999) Aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea) feeding on woody plants in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden. In: Dolgin, M. M. (Ed.), Biodiversity of terrestrial and soil invertebrates in the North. Abstracts of international conference (Syktyvkar, 15 - 17 September 1999). Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar, pp. 32 - 33. [in Russian]
  • Fridolin, V. Yu. (1936) Community of animals and plants of Khibiny mountain area. Biocenotical investigations in 1930 - 1935. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow & Leningrad, 295 pp. [in Russian]