Published April 22, 2022 | Version 1.0
Proposal Open

Working Group Charter Certificate Infrastructures

  • 1. Leibniz Institute for Psychology
  • 2. GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
  • 3. Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • 4. Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin Köln
  • 5. RWTH Aachen University
  • 6. TH Köln
  • 7. Bochum University of Applied Sciences
  • 8. Gesellschaft für Biologische Daten e.V.
  • 9. TU Darmstadt


In recent years, the amount of freely available material for self-training in research data management and data literacy, as well as corresponding training programs, has increased enormously. At the same time, the need for qualifying persons creating these research objects is constantly growing. In order to ensure the education and training of these persons - including data managers, data stewards, or simply researchers sharing and using research data - according to standardized structures and comprehensible processes, it seems reasonable for nfdi to create a framework for the corresponding competence acquisition. Certification courses offer an ideal opportunity here for two reasons in particular: first, following the DFG guidelines for safeguarding good research practice (DFG, 2019), they create transparency for all stakeholders involved in the data curation lifecycle regarding discipline-specific as well as non-specific competencies. Secondly, the seal of the NFDI is a measure of quality assurance via the teaching of precisely those competencies.



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