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Published August 1, 2009 | Version v1
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Armenian Dorcadion (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of "cinerarium-group"

  • 1. Moscow Pedagogical State University, Faculty of Biology and Chemistry


The “group-cinerarium” is represented by three species in Armenia: Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) kasikoporanum Pic, 1902 (Arailer Mt. near Erevan), D. (C.) sisianense sp. n. (Sisian pass) and D. (C.) megriense sp. n. (Megri ridge). Both new species are close to European D. (С.) cinerarium (Fabricius, 1787), but differ by relatively smooth dorsal body side, nearly total absence of pubescent form of females and endophallic structure. All three species differ from each other by the peculiarities of elytral and pronotal sculpture. D. (С.) megriense sp. n. is characterized by very big size. D. (С.) cinerarium (F.) is redescribed, its area is specifi ed. The absence of D. (С.) cinerarium in Armenia and Georgia is stated; all previous records of the species for both republics (as well as for
Turkey) were connected with wrong determinations of closely related species. D. (С.) caucasicum Küster, 1847 is regarded as a subspecies of D. (С.) sulcipenne Küster, 1847: D. (С.) sulcipenne caucasicum Küster, 1847, stat. n. Lectotype is designated for Lamia cineraria Fabricius, 1787.



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