Published January 31, 2020 | Version 0.6
Other Open

Template for an information leaflet, including info on study, role of participants, chemicals for participants in HBM4EU population surveys

  • 1. MOH-CY


This template can be used to develop a tailored information leaflet for participants in HBM4EU studies. Changes can be introduced as required by the study design and national requirements.
This document is also included as an annex in HBM4EU Deliverable D7.4.

The document is available under this DOI in English (original), French and German (translated).

General Disclaimer: The researcher responsible for each study using the provided materials must ensure the suitability of the materials, including the readability of the translations provided, and must oversee any further adaptations, as deemed necessary.


This document has been created for the HBM4EU project. HBM4EU has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733032. This document was originally an annex to a HBM4EU project deliverable. This annex is here provided also as single files for easier use and accessibility.


Files (883.6 kB)

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HBM4EU – European Human Biomonitoring Initiative 733032
European Commission