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Published April 16, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Effect of Dry Period Duration on Udder Health, Milk Production and Body Condition of Jersey Crossbred Cows at Lower Gangetic Tropics



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Background: Dry period duration of dairy cow is considered as an important factor to maintain udder health and milk production.
Methods: To investigate the effect of dry period duration (DPD) on udder health, milk production and body condition of dairy cows at
lower Gangetic tropics, observations were taken from 25 Jersey crossbred cows which were divided into 2 comparable group viz: 1st
group (11 cows), having 50 to 60 days DPD and 2nd group (14 cows), having more than 60 days DPD.
Result: Statistically analyzed data revealed that milk somatic cell count, MCMT, milk pH and EC were significantly (P<0.01) varied
between two group from second month onwards and continue up to 4th months of lactation. Critical analysis of battery tests clearly
confirmed the diagnosis for occurring of subclinical mastitis with poor udder health status in 2nd group. Total milk production/day/cow
were almost similar in both group in first month but second month onwards significantly (P<0.01) higher milk production was recorded
in 1st than 2nd group. The milk composition parameters revealed non-significant difference between groups whereas milk quality
parameter significantly (P<0.01) better in 1st than 2nd group. Initial BCS of dry cow of both groups were similar. But BCS at calving was
significantly (P<0.05) higher in 2nd than 1st group with higher negative changes in BCS % in 2nd group as compared to 1st group. It can
be concluded that dry period duration of 50-60 days is better over to prolonged dry period (>60 days). Suitable changes in BCS from
dry period to calving is beneficial to get higher milk production, quality, better maintenance of body condition and udder health status
of Jersey crossbred cows at tropical lower Gangetic region.



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