Genre Features of Analytical Journalism in the Context of Modern Information Space Formation
The article considers the theoretical aspect of analytical journalism genre features in the modern information space formation context. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of contemporary journalists (M. Vasylenko, M. Tymoshyk, D. Hryhorash, A. Zakharchenko, V. Zdoroveha, V. Kachan, O. Kolesnichenko I. Mykhailyn, A. Moskalenko, O. Tertychnyi, V. Shkliar, and others). The reception of the mentioned researchers’ scientific works allowed us to single out specific features of analytical genres.
The thesis that the name “analytical genres” is certainly not accurate enough is justified since journalists also use the means of analysis and generalization quite widely in information genres. However, in information genres, analysis, generalization is built mainly on the coverage of individual events, facts limited by certain time frames. And in analytical genres, the material time frames are much wider. Correspondence in its characteristic samples covers events, facts for several months, for a quarter, half a year, and sometimes for a longer period. The article provides a broad scope of life material – in terms of its scale and time characteristics.
Based on the study, it was concluded that in analytical genres, journalistic materials are predominantly dialogic, regardless of whether they have an inherent dialogic form of presentation or not. In journalistic materials, the author directly addresses the reader or argues for him something important in his mind as an interlocutor. That is why in journalistic texts of many genres, specific questions are raised, answers are offered, evidence is given in favor of one or another opinion, and counter-evidence is put forward, etc., which creates the illusion of mutual exchange of views with the reader. Analytical genres involve understanding the material on a relatively large scale over some time. There is a possibility of raising important issues, solving pressing problems, generalizing the broad meaning of recommendations based on multifaceted analysis, theoretical and practical arguments.
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