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Published April 8, 2022 | Version v1
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The reviewed study presents the results of a study of the semantic features of the notion of woman, verbalized by phraseological units of the German language such as proverbs. The problem of reflecting women in philology occupies an important place, has national and cultural characteristics, so it does not lose its relevance despite the time and space. The aim of the study is a semantic analysis of German proverbs with the component of “woman”. The main method of research of language material in this scientific research is the structural method, which is implemented in the form of methods of distributive and component analysis. Distributive analysis allows to establish a system of morphemes of derivatives with the meaning “woman”, to distinguish mono- and polysemantics, to identify semantic relationships between the element “woman” and other elements within the linguistic context, component analysis helps to distinguish seven ʻwomenʼ in proverbs about the phenomenon. Communicative and functional development of women's semantics is revealed through contextual analysis. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that for the first time in domestic German studies proverbs with the meaning of a woman are systematized, described and verified. It is established that the notion of women correlates with the history and culture of both the German ethnic group and neighboring ethnic groups, changing under the pressure of traditions and religious experience. The imagery and tropical nature of the notion of a woman indicate the priority of the secondary nomination, pejorization manifests the process of acquiring the negative meaning of the word «meg». Materials and conclusions of the study can be used in the practice of teaching German, lexicology, stylistics, etc.


АРГУМЕНТИ СУЧАСНОЇ ФІЛОЛОГІЇ 2022 випр-конвертирован-259-264.pdf