- 1. Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
Purpose. At the present stage of development of Ukraine’s economy, passenger traffic service quality management of railway enterprises became one of the main tasks to ensure their efficient operation. In terms of railway re-forms and increased competition in the transport market, the discrepancies between the technological level of traffic and the growing needs of society and the quality standards of transport services, the priority is the establishment of quality management system for passenger traffic services in rail transport. This question should be considered in the paper. Methodology. To achieve this goal and ensure a high quality level of passenger traffic services in rail trans-port, which involves a combination of approaches to the position of consumers (determination of their satisfaction) and railway enterprises (measurement of results and formation processes of service quality), the paper proposed a passenger traffic service quality management system. The proposed methodical approach to formation of the passenger traffic service quality management system in rail transport implements a principally new scheme of interaction of elements during provision of services, where the inter-related resources (human, material, financial, information), means, instruments and processes result in creation of quality transport service. Findings. The efficiency of the passenger traffic service quality management system allows detecting the dynamic of improvement of the services provided by the railway enterprises and building the system which is self-learning on the principles of continuous improvement. The paper grounded new principles of the passenger traffic quality management, which were formed on the basis of general management principles, quality management principles and railway transport management principles. Originality. The work presents the developed passenger traffic service quality management system targeted to meet the expectations of passengers from transport process while taking into account the economic interests of railway enterprises. The basis of this system is conceptual principles, namely, goal, objectives, subject, object, principles, functions and practical recommendations, which generally determine the relationship of the basic elements of the passenger traffic service quality management in rail transport. Practical value. The practical value of the obtained by the author results is that their implementation will enable railway enterprises to forecast the improvement of service quality level, taking into account their specific features and create solutions for control and regulation of processes and passenger traffic service quality effects. The theoretical and methodological provisions may be used in the formation, operation and improvement of the quality management system for passenger traffic services in rail transport.
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