Data repository for the article: "Classification of diffraction patterns using a convolutional neural network in single-particle-imaging experiments performed at X-ray free-electron lasers"
- 1. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
- 2. Applied Computer Vision Lab, Helmholtz Imaging, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Data "" used in the paper (Assalauova, Ignatenko, Isensee et al., 2022) were described in (Li et al., 2020) and raw files were published on CXDI platform ( These data were preprocessed (background correction, center estimation) by S. Bobkov using SPI data analysis platform available in GitLab (, the section “spi_processing” and described in (Bobkov et al., 2020). Procedures described in (Assalauova, Ignatenko, Isensee et al., 2022) are publicly available
File "final_200k_split_191183.pkl" contains the train:test split and file "" contains pretrained weights. These two files are used with the code repository
Assalauova, D., Ignatenko, A., Isensee, F., et al. “Classification of diffraction patterns using a convolutional neural network in single particle imaging experiments performed at X-ray free-electron lasers.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09020.
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Bobkov, S. A., et al. “Advances in Modern Information Technologies for Data Analysis in CRYO-EM and XFEL Experiments.” Crystallography Reports 65.6 (2020): 1081-1092.