'Digital Transformations' of Specialty 029 'Information, Library and Archival Affairs'
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
- 2. Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to outline modern concepts of digital transformations in librarianship, didactic translation of which into the educational process is relevant to the educational-professional program ‘digital direction’ ‘Web project management, digital content design’ in ‘Information, library and archival affairs.’
Research Methodology. The method of content analysis of scientific publications was used to assess the ‘semantic field’ of modern concepts of activity and scientific research in the field of library and information business.
The scientific novelty lies in the justification of filling the educational content of the educational-professional program ‘Web Project Management, Digital Content Design’ in the specialty ‘Information, Library and Archival Affairs’ in accordance with current concepts and areas of digitization of documentary information, library and archival activities in international and domestic practice.
Conclusions. The relevance of the educational and professional program ‘Web Project Management, Digital Content Design’, proposed in 2021 within the specialty 029 ‘Information, Library and Archival Affairs’ is obvious in terms of the need for training to provide technological support for the digital transformation of library information and archival activities.
Identification of the content of education relevant to the ‘Information Security of Automated Systems’ specialty within Educational and Professional Program ‘digital’ direction, possible by conditionally outlining the complexes of functional specialization in which the activities of the future specialist in the specialty ISAS: document and information resources – information technology – project management – social communications.
Filling these components with the content of education should be based on current concepts and areas of digitization of documentary information, library and archival activities in international and domestic practice, relevant to the educational and professional program ‘Web Project Management, Digital Content Design’.
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