Training of Future Specialists in Programme Subject Area 029 "Information, Library and Archival Studies": Main Trends of the Formation of Educational Literature Fund
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
- 2. Institute of Library Science, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine
It is the first articulation of the problem of forming a fund of educational literature as a theoretical and methodological basis for a successful educational process for students majoring in 029 “Information, Library, and Archival Studies” based on the example of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (hereinafter KNUCA). By applying general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special research methods (bibliographic, statistical, visual analysis), analysis and systematization of the entire literature presented in the teaching materials of the teaching staff of KNUCA on educational programmes in the programme subject area 029 “Information, Library and Archival Studies” the main trends in the formation of the fund of educational literature KNUCA for students of 029 “Information, Library and Archival Studies” have been identified, including compliance of educational literature for higher education to the current legal field, impact of the reform of domestic higher education in accordance with the principles of the Bologna process on structure and content of educational literature; reflection of the process of reforming library education in educational literature – the intensity of educational literature preparation is correlated with the implementation of a new programme subject area 029 “Information, Library and Archival Studies”; active usage along with educational publications in the educational process scientific monographs, scientific articles, reference books (though, these types of publications have not been classified as educational publications officially, they start to perform educational function); availability of publications which names are identical to the names of academic disciplines, which is due to the need for educational and methodological support of new academic disciplines; preparation of educational literature by author’s teams formed, in particular, by teachers of various educational institutions; cooperation with various publishers, which provides the required number of publications for the educational process and their availability to the general public.
Five functional levels of complex educational and methodical support of the educational process and formation of the fund of educational literature are substantiated: the level of the institution of higher education; the level of the scientific library of the institution of higher education; department level; level of authors; level of publishers / producers of educational literature.
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