The Study of Quality and Safety Indicators of Mayonnaise on the Basis of Hemp Oil
- 1. Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine
- 2. Autonomous subdivision "Dnipro Faculty of Management and Business of Kyiv University of Culture", Ukraine
Topicality. Sauces are an integral part of most dishes, which are prepared from a variety of products: meat, fish, seafood, vegetables. They give the dishes juiciness, add variety to the aesthetic appearance of the dish and complement their taste, increase calories, and nutritional value. The most common sauces are culinary sauces of the emulsion type, in particular, mayonnaise and its derivatives. Nowadays, the oil and fat industry produces a whole “line” of mayonnaise products with various additives that improve the taste, structure and increase the shelf life. The oil and fat industry is at a stage when its development can no longer be carried out by traditional methods, new approaches and solutions are needed. Trends in balanced and healthy diet are forcing producers to look for new approaches for the production of classic mayonnaise with high biological value and high quality characteristics. The problem of nutrition optimisation in terms of the content of essential nutrients, such as fatty acids, can be solved by introducing into the recipe some composition, such as an oil- fat base, vegetable oils are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-3 and ω-6. One of the promising areas of production of emulsion products, such as mayonnaise sauce, is the introduction of standard recipes for full or partial replacement of sunflower oil with hemp oil, in order to improve biological value, while maintaining high organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties and safety. Among the essential nutrients needed to maintain homeostasis of the human body are polyunsaturated fatty acids, the source of which is hemp oil. Hemp oil contains natural antioxidants, which gives a raised resistance to oxidation, despite the natural high content of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids. One of the ways to implement the innovative idea is the partial or complete replacement of the oil-fat fraction of the emulsion-type mayonnaise sauce with hemp oil in a mass fraction of introduction into the recipe (50%, 75%, and 100%).
The aim of the study is to research the quality of mayonnaise sauce with partial or complete substitution of oil, and fat fraction for hemp oil, namely their organoleptic, physicochemical (effective viscosity, emulsion stability, acidity, acid and peroxide value) indicators, to investigate the fatty acid composition developed samples of mayonnaise sauce, based on hemp oil, and investigate the change in microbiological parameters during storage. This will expand the range of quality foods, enriched with essential nutrients. The following research methods are used in this article: standard methods of organoleptic profile analysis, structural-mechanical, standard methods of research of fatty acid composition, and methods of determining microbiological parameters. The results of this study are processed using modern computer programmes.
Results. The expediency of using mayonnaise, based mayonnaise sauce technology, during the development of hemp oil sauce technology, has been theoretically and experimentally substantiated, and formulations of these mayonnaises have been elaborated. Based on the organoleptic analysis, it is determined that the use of hemp oil in the technology of mayonnaise sauce has a positive effect on its organoleptic characteristics. The study of the fatty acid composition shows that the optimal ratio of fatty acids of the groups ω-3: ω-6, as 1:4, has a sample of mayonnaise sauce (M2), containing 75% of hemp oil in its composition. The analysis of the fatty acid composition also confirms the functionality of all developed samples of mayonnaise. It is found that all elaborated samples of mayonnaise, based on hemp oil, fully comply with the normative indicators of structure (effective viscosity and stability of the emulsion), and quality indicators (pH, acid number, and peroxide value). It is investigated that the microbiological parameters of the control sample of mayonnaise and experimental samples with partial or complete replacement of the oil and fat fraction with hemp oil during storage (28 days) indicate that opportunistic and pathogenic microflora are within acceptable values.
Conclusions and discussion. The studied quality indicators make it possible to substantiate the technology of mayonnaise sauce based on hemp oil with increased biological value.
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