Published December 28, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Mathematical and Analytical Evaluation of Paste Products Quality

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • 2. National University of Food Technology, Ukraine
  • 3. The Institute of Food Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine


Topicality. In modern conditions, the society feels a growing demand in products made from natural ingredients of high nutritional value. Such products include meat pastes, the quality of which depends on their recipe, technological processes, equipment, and modes of its operation. With the implementation of innovative technological regimes and new equipment, there is a necessity to determine and prognosticate the quality of food products at all stages of their production and sale. According to the mentioned above, as well as economic feasibility of using automated systems for technological processes management, there is a need to elaborate a new mathematical and analytical approach to assessing and prognosticating changes in the quality of meat paste with various additives.

Aim and research methods. The aim of this research is to elaborate a method for modeling the material system state, based on differential equations of kinetics of biochemical processes, assessment, and prognostication of food quality.

Research methods. The method of mathematical and analytical evaluation of the paste products quality is grounded on modified mathematical models, differential equations, visualisation of research results in the form of 3D graphs, obtained by using symbolic computer mathematics. The quality of new meat paste products is compared with the quality of the paste, which is assumed to be relatively optimal according to the main organoleptic parameters of sensory quality assessment and control sample. The control sample of the paste is cooked according to the classical technology, and the recipe (GSTU 4424:2005). The prototype samples are cooked according to the innovative technology, which involves adding mechanically deboned poultry meat to the main raw material.

Results. New results of analytical and experimental studies of the quality of meat paste products, cooked according to the classic recipe with the use of mechanically deboned poultry meat, are offered. The method for determining the coefficients, included in the mathematical model for assessing the meat paste products quality, their analytical relation with the optimization parameter, is elaborated. The expediency of using modern methods of symbolic computer mathematics for solving and analysing differential equations, presenting results in 3D graphs, is proved. The conducted research makes it possible to prognosticate the quality of food products, to control possible changes in their recipe while using various additives, to carry out elaborating new paste products.

Conclusions and discussion. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies, a new mathematical model for estimating the quality of meat paste products in the form of the first-order differential equation, is offered. Its analogue is the equations, recommended for modeling the processes of biochemical kinetics. It is proved that the computer programme of mathematical and analytical research and prognostication the foodstuff quality (Goots et al., 2018) is universal. The offered mathematical model makes it possible to envision the quality of meat paste products, based on organoleptic evaluation. With its help, it becomes possible to determine the vector of possible changes in product quality and its optimisation, while elaborating the 3D graph.

Mathematical and analytical assessment of the new paste products quality highlights that the partial replacement of the main meat raw by mechanically deboned poultry meat, and in pastes, made according to classical technology and the GSTU recipe (4424:2005), does not really reduce the parameters of organoleptic evaluation. In some cases, they are even higher than in the control paste samples, and very close to optimal ones.

This new mathematical and analytical approach to assessing the paste products quality is promising in new culinary products elaboration in the restaurant business.



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