Renovation of Current Business Models Formats and Elaboration of New Ones in Restaurant Business: Process Innovative Approach
Topicality. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the specifics of the restaurant business involves not only implementation of innovative management technologies, but also updating the current enterprises business models formats, and elaborating the new ones in the restaurant business sphere.
The aim of this research is to analyse the existent situation of innovative updating the nowadays enterprises business models formats, and elaborating the neoteric ones in the restaurant business sphere abroad, and in Ukraine as well.
Research methods combine the information systematisation in the innovative updating processes of the restaurant business sphere enterprises. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are theoretical elaborations and scientific conceptions of blighty and foreign scientists in the field of enterprises activity and marketing researches, and laws of Ukraine.
Results. The scientific novelty of the article is in the defining the necessity in innovative renewal of the current enterprises business models formats, and elaboration of the new ones, functioning in the restaurant business sphere, in the use of innovative technologies for improving their work efficiency, in identifying the principles of modern technologies implementation, depending on the type of institution and the kind of innovation.
Conclusions and discussion. In this article, it is emphasized that nowadays the sphere of restaurant business is in the process of its formation due to the problems of the current political and economic state of the country. It is noted that in order to stimulate entrepreneurial activity in the restaurant business sphere, the further implementation of innovative management technologies is one of the most powerful competitiveness tool. The efficiency of innovative measures implementation at the mentioned above enterprises is analysed. It was found out that this industry is underdeveloped, which indicates the presence of significant untapped potential for further development, and opportunities for reclaiming new market segments. For effective implementation of innovations, it is necessary to update the existing, and develop some new business models formats of enterprises in the restaurant business. The stages of updating the current and developing the new formats of enterprises business models in the restaurant business, by applying the innovative development strategy, are offered.
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