Published December 21, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Public Mood of Ukrainians As a Factor of Implementing European Integration Policy of Modern Ukraine

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article analyzes the importance of public opinion, public attitudes of Ukrainian citizens on the effectiveness of the country's foreign policy and close integration into the European Union, the North Atlantic Alliance, determining the importance of taking into account the expectations of the population in developing and implementing strategies. The methodological basis of the study was the use of interdisciplinary approach in the analysis of phenomena and processes of public life, namely: historical analogies, sociological methods in revealing changes in recent years attitudes of citizens to certain government decisions, their desire to participate in plebiscites comparative – to identify the benefits of taking into account public sentiment in state-building through the concepts of realism and liberalism, which also testify to the state's ability to change and domestic policy. It is proved that over the last few years the number of Ukrainians (over 48 %) who are supporters of European and Euro-Atlantic integration has gradually increased, which is a positive dynamics and basis for the implementation of the chosen vector by the state. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that almost a third of the undecided citizens remain, who can become electoral support of those political forces and figures who promote the pro-Russian vector of cooperation as the main one for Ukraine. Accordingly, the state should systematically implement a strategy of comprehensive agitation, build information channels of positive perception and implementation of the chosen foreign policy course, work with opinion leaders, and so on. It is determined that the consolidation of the political elite and society is an important factor in the implementation of Ukraine's European integration policy at the current stage of development, but may change due to the inconsistent and vague position of Western partners.



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