Trade and Economic Relations Between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland (1991–2021)
- 1. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 2. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine
The study analyzes the evolution of trade policy of Ukraine and Poland from the period of transition to a market economy and the functioning of market laws. Among the methods, the systematic method has been used to study the Polish political opinion on the profitability and prospects of mutually beneficial trade, comparative analysis of the results of Ukrainian and Polish foreign economic activity has been conducted, taking into account the requirements of Polish (as part of European) and Ukrainian legislation. Poland’s position on changes in the direction of Ukrainian strategic cooperation (multi-vectoral focus) has been analyzed. It has been proved that Poland is a country of great expectations for Ukraine. Official Kyiv seeks tangible assistance from Poland in its confrontation with Russia. Ukraine’s victory will mean an improvement in Poland’s security and foreign economic situation. At present, the Ukrainian border is the frontier of the Russian Federation’s expansion, so the enlargement of the European Union and NATO to the East in order to gain new markets and sources of raw materials will be optimal for Poland. It is concluded that Polish politicians understand that the promotion of Polish products in Ukraine will mean an increase in soft influence on the state of commitment of Ukrainian society. It has been recommended that the active steps of official Warsaw to increase investment interest in the Ukrainian market may lead to the practical implementation of important Polish national interests. It is highlighted that the implementation of Ukrainian export policy depends on the strategies of players in the European and Polish markets. In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the annexation of Crimea, Poland’s policy of active trade cooperation is perceived by the Ukrainian authorities as pro-American, so official Kyiv seeks to involve Poland in resolving the Nord Stream-2 situation. Thus, Ukraine and Poland are able to independently create a new quality of security and trade relations in the Baltic-Black Sea-Caspian region in order to become the most powerful players.
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