There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 9, 2022 | Version 3.0.0 (test)
Dataset Open

DWUG ES: Diachronic Word Usage Graphs for Spanish

  • 1. University of Chile
  • 2. University of Stuttgart


This data collection contains diachronic Word Usage Graphs (WUGs) for Spanish. Find a description of the data format, code to process the data and further datasets on the WUGsite.

Please find more information on the provided data in the paper referenced below.

The annotation was funded by

  • ANID FONDECYT grant 11200290, U-Inicia VID Project UI-004/20,
  • ANID - Millennium Science Initiative Program - Code ICN17 002 and
  • SemRel Group (DFG Grants SCHU 2580/1 and SCHU 2580/2).

Version: 3.0.0, 9.4.2022. Test data.


Frank D. Zamora-Reina, Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Dominik Schlechtweg. 2022. LSCDiscovery: A shared task on semantic change discovery and detection in Spanish. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change. Association for Computational Linguistics.


only test data


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