Iconic Faces of Ukrainian Television (50-70s of the Twentith Century)
The purpose of the research is to analyze the first steps of the television formation in Ukraine, to determine the factors of the television influence's growth on the viewer audience. The research methodology consists of the following methods: historical – analysis of sources about the first steps and development of television in Ukraine in the 50–the 70s of the twentieth century; theoretical – the factors’ study of the increasing television influence on the audience. The scientific novelty of the research is the investigation of the main stages of the television space development of Ukraine in the first decades from the beginning of regular broadcasting, as well as the works of researchers of the history of Ukrainian television, have been thoroughly analyzed, the facts about the first announcers of UT have been systematized for the first time. Conclusions. In the course of the article, we proved that the technical and technological development of television in Ukraine, the growth of its influence on viewers, would have been impossible without prominent figures, representatives of various television professions who took part in the process of organizing and providing television broadcasting. The audience saw some of them on the screens, but many iconic names remained behind the scenes. The task of researchers is to identify the personas and roles of all pioneers and to preserve these names for history, for future generations.
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- Levchuk, T.V., ed., 1985. Spilka kinematohrafistiv Ukrainy [Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine]. Kyiv: Mystetstvo.
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