Global Long-term River Width (GLOW)
- 2. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- 3. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 4. Texas A&M University
This repository archives the Global LOng term river Width (GLOW) dataset measured from Landsat for 1984-2020.
There are three datasets in this repository: Width, Cross_section, and Environmental_parameter_global.
Width contains the GLOW dataset, which has three attributes: ID, date (mm/dd/yyyy), and width (unit: meters). Each cross-section is identified by a unique ID in the format of R########XS#######. The dataset is grouped into eight regions based on the geospatial location.
Cross-section contains the shapefiles indicating the GLOW cross-section locations, which have three attributes: ID, lat (latitude), and lon (longitude).
Environmental_parameter_global contains the environmental parameters generated in this study for the Random Forest analysis, which has eighteen parameters for all global rivers at the river reach level, including the temporal trend slope, interquartile range, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile of air temperature, snowmelt, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and river discharge.
Please refer to the following paper for more details:
Feng, D., Gleason C.J., Yang X., Allen G.H., and Pavelsky T.M., How have global river widths changed over time? Water Resources Research