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Published December 13, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Illustration Festivals and Book Fairs in the Development of Ukrainian Illustration as a Sector of Creative Industries

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to clarify the meaning and functions of illustration festivals and book fairs from a socio-cultural perspective, as well as to determine and summarize the level of Ukrainian illustration’s representation in the international space through participation in such events. Research methodology. Empirical method, method of analysis and synthesis were applied. Journalistic materials on international events containing locations for the presentation of illustrative works and professional communication between illustrators were subject to analysis. Scientific novelty. The article considers the theoretical aspects’ importance of professional exhibitions of illustrators at international book fairs, competitions and festivals in the field of illustration for the development of this sector of creative industries. It is determined that these events are a powerful socio-cultural phenomenon and an effective platform for social communication between the main players in the sector. The events also perform a compensatory and motivating function for both professional environments and ordinary viewers of illustration, and their festivity and positive public response increase the illustration importance as a creative industries’ sector among the population. Also, for the first time, the article synthesizes factual data on the awards and prizes of Ukrainian illustrators, which exist in separate news publications, in the chronology of each event. It turned out that the most attractive for the participation of Ukrainian illustrators is The Illustrators Exhibition – Bologna Children’s Book Fair, as the chronology of achievements at this event is the longest and largest. The most successful illustrators in terms of international awards are Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv («Agrafka»creative workshop). Conclusions. Over the last decade, Ukrainian illustration has been actively asserting itself internationally. The works created in 2010 correspond to world trends and attract the attention of foreign colleagues, publishers and critics. In recent years, the promotion and PR of illustrators have reached a much higher level, which increases the publicity of Ukraine’s achievements and strengthens the prestige of the sector in the public. The constant worldwide recognition of a narrow circle of Ukrainian illustrators in the presence of many talented authors raises the question of forming a culture of Ukrainian illustrators’ professional ambitions, when presenting themselves in international competitions and festivals, submitting their work should be understood as part of professional activity. The presentation of Ukrainian illustration in such events can be interpreted as a tool of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine in the international space.



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