Published April 5, 2022 | Version v2.0.0
Software Open

Code for "Weakening and warming of the European Slope Current since the late 1990s attributed to basin-scale density changes"

  • 1. University of Southampton
  • 2. National Oceanography Centre


This code was used to analyse and plot data for the paper "Weakening and warming of the European Slope Current since the late 1990s attributed to basin-scale density changes", which was submitted to the journal "Ocean Science" at the end of June 2021.
This paper forms the first chapter of my (Matt's) PhD project: "Changing Atlantic Influences on Northwest European Shelf Seas" at the University of Southampton.

Please see the README files in each folder for full descriptions of each file. Each code file also has a description of it's purpose and outputs in the header. The majority of the analysis uses Conda Python 2.7, and a copy of the environment setup file (.yml) is provided. The Python code was written and executed in the Spyder IDE. The Matlab files were written and run using Matlab 2017a.

All Python and Matlab files were written by Matt Clark unless otherwise stated, with components provided by Bob (Robert) Marsh and James Harle. The Fortran code was written by Bob Marsh.

Datasets used in the analysis:

  • GODAS: "Global Ocean Data Assimilation System", provided by NOAA. Open Access; freely available at
  • ORCA12: 1/12 degree global ocean model output, part of the NEMO family. Data provided on request to the National Oceanography Centre ( Many thanks to the NOC for granting access.

Version 2: removal of EN4 analysis. Addition of other transport calculations (Sverdrup, Ekman, , please see code for details. Changed as a result of peer-review of the paper, now accepted for publication in Ocean Science


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UK Research and Innovation
SPITFIRE - the Southampton Partnership for Innovative Training of Future Investigators Researching the Environment NE/L002531/1