Published March 31, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Progomphus teolitavius Vilela & Souza 2022, sp. nov.

  • 1. Laboratório de Biologia Aquática, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Assis, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Assis, São Paulo, Brasil
  • 2. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais, Campus Inconfidentes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. marcos. souza @ ifsuldeminas. edu. br; http: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0415 - 1714


Progomphus teolitavius sp. nov. Vilela & Souza

(Figs. 1, 2a, 2e, 2h)

Holotype (IFSULDEMINAS, C-0131). 1m #, Brazil, Minas Gerais, Barroso (-21.2238, -43.9895), 1033 m, 30.iii.2021, G.S. Santos leg. (IFSULDEMINAS).

Etymology. Named teolitavius (noun in apposition). A compound of ‘ teo ’, after Theo de Magalhães, ‘ oli ’, short for Olívia L. de Magalhães, and ‘ tavius ’ short for Otávio C. S. de Magalhães, all children of MMS, who helped him in the collection of the described species.

Head (Fig. 1). Mouthparts pale yellow, black at the apices; eyes dark; antenna black, scape grey; labrum, antepostclypeus, and basal portion of antefrons light brown; postfrons olive green; vertex dark brown; postocellar ridge black, with a slight concavity at its middle; occiput black; posterior area of the head black, with pale yellow lateral spots.

Thorax (Fig. 1). Prothorax mostly black, with pale yellow spots on each medial side. Pterothorax mostly black with pale yellow stripes; pale yellow antehumeral stripes thin, not connected with pale stripes on collar; a broad pale yellow stripe on the medial portion of each mesepisternum; metepimeron with a broad pale yellow stripe on its lower half; venter light brown. Femoral armature dark brown; inner face of profemur pale yellow, remainder brown; third tarsi about two-thirds the length of third tibia; lamina tibialis (or tibial keel) of first tibia one-fifth the tibial length.

Wings (Fig. 1). Hyaline, venation black; pterostigma black, occupying 5 cells on FW and 4.5 on HW; eight paranal cells from wing base to apex of subtriangle in FW, six in HW; antenodal crossveins on FW 12/12, on HW 9/9, the fourth one thickened in all wings; postnodal crossveins on FW 8/8, on HW 9/9; basal subcostal crossvein present in all wings; triangles and subtriangles 2-celled in all wings, except for right FW, where triangle is free.

Abdomen (Figs. 1, 2a). Overall coloration black, with pale yellow markings on the following areas: lower lateral portions of S1−2, S1 with an almost vestigial tubercle; auricles olive green, bearing minute denticles on posterior margin; S3 with three triangular pale yellow spots, two laterally and one dorsally; S4−5 with a continuous pale yellow dorsal spot at its base; S6−7 with one dorsal spot on each side of the midline. Posterior hamuli black, stocky, with a broad hook, anterior portion bearing a pronounced ridge with a row of small teeth.

Anal appendages (Figs. 2e, 2h). Overall coloration black, pale yellow tips; an enlarged basal externo-lateral dilatation, bearing three-four large teeth (more visible in dorsal view), obliquely oriented; inferior carina of cercus slightly curved downwards, with a row of several minute blunt denticles. Epiproct forcipate, supero-external tooth acute, located at the medial portion of each forceps; tip of epiproct blunt and bifid.

Measurements (in mm). TL 39.6, AL 29.5, FW 24.6, HW 23.8, Pt 3.4.

Differential diagnosis. Progomphus teolitavius is closely related to three Progomphus species regarding structures of anal appendages orsecondary genitalia: P. basistictus Ris, 1911, P. bidentatus Belle, 1994, and P. herrerae Needham & Etcheverry, 1956 (See Fig. 2). From these species, P. teolitavius can be distinguished by the following character combinations (other species in brackets): in dorsal view (Fig. 2h), cercus bearing three large basal teeth [not seen from this angle on the aforementioned species, teeth small on P. basistictus (Fig. 2g) seen in lateral view]; inferior carina of cercus (Fig. 2e) slightly curved downwards [nearly straight in P. basistictus (Fig. 2g) and P. herrerae (Fig. 2f)]; supero-external tooth of epiproct acute (Fig. 2e), located at the medial portion of each forceps [smaller in P. basistictus (Fig. 2g), absent in P. bidentatus and apical in P. herrerae (Fig. 2f)]; tip of epiproct branches blunt and bifid [larger on P. basistictus and P. herrerae, smaller on P. bidentatus]; each branch of epiproct bearing one medial tooth [two in P. bidentatus, none in P. herrerae and P. basistictus]; posterior hamuli stocky (Fig. 2a), with a broad hook [slender on P. bidentatus (Fig. 2d) and P. herrerae (Fig. 2b) and acute in P. basistictus (Fig. 2c)]; anterior portion of posterior hamuli bearing a pronounced ridge (Fig. 2a) with a row of small teeth [less pronounced ridge on the aforementioned species, Figs. 2 b−d)].

Distribution and habitat. Progomphus teolitavius sp. nov. is only known from the type locality, a gallery forest within the Cerrado biome of Barroso, Minas Gerais state (Fig. 3). This is a lotic environment, which is the typical habitat of Progomphus species (Belle 1973; Garrison et al. 2006).


Published as part of Vilela, Diogo Silva & Souza, Marcos Magalhães De, 2022, A new species of Progomphus Selys, 1854 (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae) from Minas Gerais state, Southeastern Brazil, pp. 69-74 in Zootaxa 5124 (1) on pages 70-71, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5124.1.4,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
Scientific name authorship
Vilela & Souza
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Progomphus teolitavius Vilela & Souza, 2022


  • Belle, J. (1994) On five species of Progomphus Selys from Brazil with the descriptions of four new taxa (Odonata: Gomphidae). Zoologische Mededelingen, 68, 203 - 214.
  • Belle, J. (1973) A revision of the new world genus Progomphus Selys, 1854 (Odonata: Gomphidae). Odonatologica, 2, 191 - 308.
  • Garrison, R. W., Ellenrieder, N. von & Louton, J. A. (2006) Dragonfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 383 pp.