Published December 22, 2021 | Version v1
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IS-ENES3 D4.3 - CPMIP performance metrics and community advice

  • 1. BSC


This deliverable shows the main results obtained from the CPMIP collection done for CMIP6, including ISENES3 and some external partners. The document provides the list of partners involved and the CPMIP metrics per institution/model, as well as the approach used for the collection and the coordination behind this process. Additionally, a section has been included to explain the collaborations done with other groups (HPC-TF within the ENES network and the carbon footprint group) and the results produced, proving that the possibilities using CPMIP metrics go beyond a simple performance evaluation.

Furthermore, a section has been included to analyze the results. The analysis has been done illustrating some practical examples, and proving the usefulness of the metrics to the community. However, a more detailed analysis will be done in a scientific paper pending for publication. Moreover, it is described the main difficulties encountered in the coordination of the collection, including general recommendations on how to solve these problems for future collections and analyzes.



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European Commission
IS-ENES3 – Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 3 824084