Published March 28, 2022 | Version v1
Poster Open

(CS36) The Old And Enigmatic



Neuroblastoma most commonly present with an abdominal mass. However, affected children may have various clinical presentation as a result of metastatic disease or associated paraneoplastic syndromes at the time of diagnosis.


Case Report/Description:

We report 3 cases with uncommon initial presentation of neuroblastoma.

First case is an 8-month-old girl who was initially admitted for bronchiolitis but incidentally noted to have “raccoon eyes” and anaemia. Further clinical examination revealed hepatomegaly. USG and CT studies showed a large right suprarenal mass with extensive liver, nodal, and bone metastases.


The second patient is a 2-year-old boy who presented with 7-months history of chronic diarrhea with persistent electrolyte imbalance. USG Abdomen was ordered to look for bowel pathology, and incidentally revealed a right suprarenal mass with calcification and vessel encasement consistent with neuroblastoma.


Another case is a 5-year-old girl with severe right hip pain and high-grade fever. Patient was extensively investigated for fracture/ septic arthritis. An MRI 2 months later noted an incidental left suprarenal mass with presence of liver, pelvis and bilateral femur bony metastases.



Awareness of the less common manifestations of neuroblastoma is crucial for both clinicians and radiologists in order to achieve a timely diagnosis hence expedite the management for patients.


CR36_Farah Nadrah_The Old and Enigmatic.pdf

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