Published March 22, 2022 | Version v1
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Reduced genetic diversity associated with the northern expansion of an amphibian species with high habitat-specialization, Ascaphus truei, resolved using two types of genetic markers

  • 1. University of Northern British Columbia


Reconstruction of historical relationships between geographic regions within a species' range can indicate dispersal patterns and help predict future responses to shifts in climate. Ascaphus truei (coastal tailed frog) is an indicator species of the health of forests and perennial streams in the Coastal and Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest of North America. We used two genetic techniques — microsatellite and genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) — to compare the within region genetic diversity of populations near the northern extent of the species' range (British Columbia, Canada) to two geographic regions in British Columbia and two in Washington, USA, moving towards the core of the range. Allelic richness and heterozygosity declined substantially as latitude increased. The northernmost region had the lowest mean expected heterozygosities for both techniques (microsatellite, M = 0.20, SE = 0.080; GBS, M = 0.025, SE = 0.0010) and the southernmost region had the highest (microsatellite, M = 0.88, SE = 0.054; GBS, M = 0.20, SE = 0.0029). The northernmost regions (NC and MC) clustered together in population structure models for both genetic techniques. Our discovery of reduced diversity may have important conservation and management implications for population connectivity and the response of A. truei to climate change.


Consists of four datasets and one README file. One dataset (ECE-2021-04-00657-R2-microsat-MOSHER.csv) is the microsatellite dataset and is based on the format of a STRUCTURE file. Two data sets represent the genotype-by-sequencing work and are based on the format of a STRUCTURE file. One (ECE-2021-04-00657-R2-gbs-tripcomp-MOSHER.csv) includes samples from the British Columbia, CA, geographic regions and triplicate and duplicate samples. The other (ECE-2021-04-00657-R2-gbs-notrips-MOSHER.csv) includes all geographic regions and has the replicates removed. Missing data is coded with '-9'. The final dataset (ECE-2021-04-00657-R2-gbs-mtDNA-MOSHER.csv) is the mtDNA data, and is based on the format of a NEXUS file. Missing data is coded with '?'.

Funding provided by: Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment Program*
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number:



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