Published March 22, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

185 Thewo Tibetan Lexical Items from 37 Thewo Villages



In 2015-2016 I traveled to  Diebu County, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province, The People's Republic of China. I recorded wordlists representing the speech variety of 37 villages in Diebu County. Most of these wordlists were collected onsite in the village. Several wordlists were collected in the county seat. The wordlist had 185 words. This document is a record of these 37 different villages' speech varieties. I used the International Phonetic Alphabet to record these Thewo Tibetan words. Following the Chinese practice, I used superscripted numbers to reflect tone. 

Most wordlists were gathered with a group of villagers present. Most of the speakers were farmers. Chinese was the main language used in communication while gathering the data. However, limited written Tibetan was used at times to clarify the item I was eliciting. During each elicitation session, I confirmed that the main people I was working with were from the village in question and had not spent significant time out of the village. In several instances, one of the people providing the lexical items had in fact spent considerable time out of the village. However, in these instances, there were others present who had spent their entire lives in the village. 

The font used in this record is Charis SIL. 


185 Thewo Tibetan Lexical Items from 37 Thewo Villages.pdf

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