Published June 30, 1981 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cation Exchange Studies of Lithium on Dowex 50W-X8 Separation from Mixtures


Department of Chemistry, lndian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400 076

Manuscript received 26 August 1980, revised 16 February 1981, accepted 13 April 1981

Cation exchange behaviour of lithium on Dowex 5OW -X8 has been studied. Hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid and chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate and acetate of ammonium were tested as the eluants and their selectivity scale was devised. Lithium was separated from various elements by the process of selective or gradient elution or selective sorption. Some separations of common elements. were possible in the mixed solvent systems.



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