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Published March 19, 2022 | Version 1.0.0
Software Open

Starter Pack and validation scripts for the Monte-Carlo-based urban radiative transfer model described in "Model of Spectral and Directional Radiative Transfer in Complex Urban Canopies with Participating Atmospheres", submitted to Boundary-Layer Meteorology

  • 1. CNRS, UPPA, E2S, LMAP
  • 2. CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France-CNRS
  • 3. Meso-Star SAS


The htrdr_urban Starter Pack contains data and scripts necessary to reproduce the results of the scientific article
"Model of Spectral and Directional Radiative Transfer in Complex Urban Canopies with Participating Atmospheres" submitted to Boundary-Layer Meteorology by Caliot, C., R. Schoetter, V. Forest, V. Eymet, and T.-Y. Chung (BOUN-D-22-00034).

The corresponding htrdr program can be downloaded from and needs to be installed before executing the scripts provided in the present publication.

The htrdr_urban Starter Pack is strongly inspired from the High-Tune Starter Pack, which can be downloaded from

## Content

### Atmospheric profile

The `ecrad_opt_prop.txt` file defines the gas optical properties provided for the pressure and temperature atmospheric vertical profile. These data were generated with the [ECRAD]( software and are saved according to the [High-Tune: Gas Optical Properties file
format]( This file is identical to the one provided with the High-Tune Starter Pack.

### Clouds

This folder is empty, but might be enriched with cloud fields similar to those included in the High-Tune Starter Pack, in the case simulations with cities under a cloudy atmosphere shall be conducted.

### Water droplets properties

The `` file stores the spectro-angular tabulation of water droplets optical properties computed using the [Mishchenko et al. (2002)]( implementation of the Lorenz-Mie solution for light scattering by homogeneous spherical particles. The monodisperse solution was integrated over a log-normal droplet size distribution of effective radius 10 micrometers and effective variance 0.01 micrometers. This NetCDF file is formatted according to the [High-Tune:Mie]( file format. This file is identical to the one provided with the High-Tune Starter Pack.

### Ground and human geometries

The `models` subdirectory contains ground geometries saved in the [htrdr-obj]( file format. In addition to the urban geometries, two potential human geometries are provided. The file "sphere_1cm_for_evaluation_of_optmrt0.obj" is a small sphere of 1 cm radius.
The file "cylinder_for_human_body_representation.obj" is a cylinder with 1 m height and 0.14 m radius.
In the models folder, execute "cp sphere_1cm_for_evaluation_of_optmrt0.obj human.obj" to use the sphere and "cp cylinder_for_human_body_representation.obj human.obj" to use the cylinder.

### Ground materials

The `materials/legacy` subdirectory regroups various [MruMtl]( files representing materials whose spectral properties have been collected /
inferred from available public sources: handbooks, manufacturer web sites, and public databases such as the [USGS High Resolution Spectral Library]( Various sources have most of the time been necessary in order to gather data over the whole thermal infrared range.

The MruMtl files contained in the `materials/slum` subdirectory are generated from the Spectral Library of impervious Urban Materials ([SLUM]( developped by [S. Kotthaus et

Finally, a set of [htrdr-materials](
are stored in the `materials` directory.

## Basic testing of htrdr_urban

The file RUN_HTRDR_URBAN_BASIC_TESTS.txt contains the commands to run simple examples of the main features of htrdr_urban:
- Maps of shortwave radiative flux density
- Maps of longwave radiative flux density
- Shortwave radiative flux density incident on a triangle group
- Longwave radiative flux density incident on a triangle group
- Shortwave radiative flux density absorbed by a triangle group
- Longwave radiative flux density absorbed by a triangle group
- Map of shortwave irradiance of a sphere (for Mean Radiant Temperature)
- Map of longwave irradiance of a sphere (for Mean Radiant Temperature)
- Map of shortwave radiative  flux density incident on human.obj (for Mean Radiant Temperature)
- Map of longwave radiative flux density incident on human.obj (for Mean Radiant Temperature)

The results will be saved in ./results/
and must be indentical to those in ./results_reference/
If this is not the case, please contact

## Reproducing the results of Caliot et al. "Model of Spectral and Directional Radiative
## Transfer in Complex Urban Canopies with Participating Atmospheres" submitted to
## Boundary-Layer Meteorology by Caliot, C., R. Schoetter, V. Forest,
## V. Eymet, and T.-Y. Chung (BOUN-D-22-00034).

The scripts "" and ""
can be used to reproduce the photos in Figure 2 and Figure 5 of Caliot et al., respectively.
The photos are stored in ./photos.

The script can be used to conduct the htrdr simulations for idealised streetcanyon geometries with different materials, whose results are displayed in Figures 3 and 4 and Table 2 of Caliot et al. The script is designed not to overwrite old results, they must be deleted to repeat the simulations.

The script can be used to conduct the htrdr simulations for real cities, whose results are displayed in Tables 3 and 4 of Caliot et al. The script is designed not to overwrite old results, they must be deleted to repeat the simulations.

The script HTRDR_URBAN_VALIDATION.R serves to combine the htrdr results produced by and with the
TEB output (stored in ./results_teb) to produce the Figures 3 and 4 of Caliot et al (stored in ./plots) and to calculate the values in the Tables 2, 3, and 4 of Caliot et al. (stored in ./residuals).

This work received financial support from the French Agency for ecological transition ADEME (project MODRADURB-1917C001). Partial financial support was received from UPPA-E2S Initiatives Grants.



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